in which i have even more space
January 27, 2006, 12:06 pm
so i don't have aol. so of course, you'll follow along, and understand that i was surprised tonight, when trillian told me that my habycl aim account "got mail". how could my instant messenger account get mail? well apparently aol has finally wised up and realized that anyone should be able to get aol mail if they can use the instant messenger service. it's part and partial of the whole gig. so i have signed up, and can now be sent email at some people change their screen names all the time. some people change emails weekly. i'll admit, i've gotten new email addresses along the way, but i've had the habycl screen name for well on 9 or 10 years now.
many people ask me what it means. or rather, most people don't care to ask, but i bet they wonder. since the people who DO ask are always so full of wonder. well it is the first two letters of each of my names. HAmilton BYrne CLine. seemed simple enough at the time, and i have always been determined to NOT put numbers in anything that identifies me. it's bad enough that i have to put them in my passwords. of course, for about the past 3 or 4 years, i have been going by the name bronkula on a lot of things, and i believe i registered the aim name bronkula, but i've just never bothered to move over to it. i think i also have hamdiggy.
it turns out i HADN'T registered the bronkula screen name. but now i have. yes that's right, this post is in positive flux. and so is my current web presence.
whatever. more importantly, daniel and i stayed up til like 6 am chatting about ridiculous philosophical stuff. i did NOT do any of my needed applicationing. which means not only am i not employed, my sister is bound to be pissed at me. most distressing.
"killing in the name of" is a great rage against the machine song. that is, it's great to rock out to. also, danny has no taste in music. seriously. awful.