in which i act a fool
February 2, 2006, 4:28 pm
so brian was in town this weekend. brian is about the coolest guy ever, so it was really nice to see him around. so him and me and mary went to olive r twists. it used to be our hang out all the time, but then they removed their 10 cent wing special, so we don't really go as much. we ordered wings and beer and it was generally pretty good. but see, when we got there, the waitress was like, i'm gonna be leaving soon. she also mentioned that we should leave our tip for the other girl, but me being a total jackass, i forget this part. so when we're about to leave, brian says i should go get the check, so i go get her, and i'm like "Hey if you want a tip, go get our check."
now see... in hind sight, that looks REALLY awful. but see what i meant was "if you want to get the tip and not her, we're ready to go now." cuz i had forgotten that she actually wanted the other girl to get the tip.
... sigh. anyways. it was annoying, and i felt awful. altho i have a job interview on monday for time market. i really want to work there, cuz it's totally a cool place, and it's like... two minutes down the road.
also, i got some recording time in on my new song, if you want to hear a throwaway sample track, you can go into where the other song was. if you know, don't tell. if you don't, ask me. it's too fast, and has an extra verse on the guitar track, but other than that, it's not too bad of a sample. we didn't end up playing epic, but we weren't ready anyways. we did watch smallville tho. me and tre watch smallville every week. and this time karl was in with his little brother too. and i made a really great jab at him. something about holding a grudge, and him being an injun. it was awesome. and before you get too offended, we are a multiracial house, and we throw around good racial jokes like spaghetti. so there.
oh yeah, before i forget, Bryan O'Malley (destroyerzooey) has a new book about to come out. if you're not on the Scott Pilgrim train, come aboard, cuz this is an amazing story. there hasn't been a single person i've shown it to that hasn't gone on to suggest it to someone else. i've been highly anticipating this book for a while. bryan has put in some rather brilliant foreshadowing elements that you just don't see a lot in comics. if you like good stories, and crazy action, and hilarious dialogue, then the scott pilgrim saga is for you.