Condensed Code

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the shorthand

I like small, useful code bites, and I love Javascript. I made this webpage to showcase common code snippets at their minimum necessary size. Most of these code examples are smaller than a tweet. You should be able to try any of these in the console of your browser.

WARNINGIt's worth mentioning, I'm using a lot of weird shorthand notations on these examples. Most of them assume that the correct arguments have been provided, and many of the condensed versions only work up to a certain point. Some of the verbose examples actually add functionality and are not 1-1 comparisons. Basically I'm saying that this is by no means a scientific endeavor and is more of an art project.

Leading Zeros

Description - Add a number of leading zeros to a number. The first argument is the number to be processed, and the second argument is the amount of zero places (including the process number) to add. A string is returned from this function.

Condensed - 39 characters
  1. var lz=(n,e)=>(+n+Math.pow(10,e)+'').substr(1)
Verbose - 132 characters
  1. var leadingZeros = function(number, exponent){
  2. let zeros = new Array( exponent - number.toString().length + 1 );
  3. return zeros.join( '0' ) + number;
  4. }
  1. > lz(4,3);
  2. < "004"
Random Boolean

Description - Return a random true or false value. A smaller version provided by x-skeww.

Condensed - 21 characters
  1. var rb=()=>Math.random()<0.5
Verbose - 86 characters
  1. var randomBoolean = function(){
  2. if(Math.random() > 0.5) {
  3. return true;
  4. } else {
  5. return false;
  6. }
  7. }
  1. > rb();
  2. < false
Random number less than Max

Description - Return a random number between zero and 1 less than a maximum amount.

Condensed - 22 characters
  1. var rm=m=>~~(Math.random()*m)
Verbose - 57 characters
  1. var randomMax = function(max){
  2. return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
  3. }
  1. > rm(10);
  2. < 7
Random number between a Range

Description - Return a random number between a minimum and maximum number.

Condensed - 40 characters
  1. var rr=(n,x)=>Math.round(Math.random()*(x-n))+n
Verbose - 76 characters
  1. var randomRange = function(min, max){
  2. return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
  3. }
  1. > rr(5,10);
  2. < 7
Random Boolean, Max, or Range

Description - Return any of the random values based on arguments provided. If no arguments are sent, a random boolean is returned. If 1 argument is sent, a random number from 0 to 1 less than the argument is returned. If 2 arguments are sent, a random number from the minimum to the maximum is returned.

Condensed - 81 characters
  1. var rn=(n,x)=>{let r=Math.random();return !x?(!n?r<0.5:~~(r*n)):Math.round((r*(x-n))+n)}
Verbose - 227 characters
  1. var randomNumber = function(min,max){
  2. let rand = Math.random();
  3. if(max === void(0)) {
  4. if(min === void(0)) {
  5. return rand < 0.5;
  6. } else {
  7. return Math.floor(rand * min);
  8. }
  9. } else {
  10. return Math.round((rand * (max - min)) + min);
  11. }
  12. }
  1. > rn();
  2. < true
  3. > rn(10);
  4. < 4
  5. > rn(5,10);
  6. < 7
Number with Commas

Description - Return a number formatted into a string with commas added to the integer portion of the number. This uses modified code from a stackoverflow answer.

Condensed - 55 characters
  1. var nc=n=>(n+'').replace(/\B(?=(?=\d*\.)(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,',')
Verbose - 84 characters
  1. var numberCommas = function(num){
  2. return String(num).replace(/\B(?=(?=\d*\.)(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
  3. }
  1. > nc(2454542365.346245);
  2. < "2,454,542,365.346245"
Money Number with Commas

Description - Return a number formatted into a string with commas added to the integer portion of the number. A dollar sign will be appended to the front of the string. A second argument can be added to define how many decimal points are desired.

Condensed - 73 characters
  1. var mc=(n,d=2)=>('$'+n.toFixed(d)).replace(/\B(?=(?=\d*\.)(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,',')
Verbose - 157 characters
  1. var moneyCommas = function(num,decimal){
  2. if(decimal === void(0)) {
  3. decimal = 2;
  4. }
  5. return String('$' + n.toFixed(decimal)).replace(/\B(?=(?=\d*\.)(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,',');
  6. }
  1. > mc(2454542365.346245);
  2. < "$2,454,542,365.35"
Randomize Array (Inside-Out)

Description - Return a new array that has been shuffled into a random order using an "Inside-Out" method.

Condensed - 109 characters
  1. var ro=a=>{let b=a.slice(0),c=[];while(b.length){c.push(b.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*b.length),1)[0])}return c}
Verbose - 274 characters
  1. var randomArrayShuffle = function(arr){
  2. let tempArray1 = arr.slice(0);
  3. let tempArray2 = new Array();
  4. let tempObject;
  5. while(tempArray1.length > 0){
  6. tempObject = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempArray1.length);
  7. tempArray2.push(
  8. tempArray1.splice(tempObject, 1)[0]
  9. )
  10. }
  11. return tempArray2;
  12. }
  1. > ro([1,2,3,4,5,6]);
  2. < [2, 6, 1, 5, 4, 3]
Randomize Array (Fisher-Yates)

Description - Return a new array that has been shuffled into a random order using a "Fisher-Yates" method.

Condensed - 114 characters
  1. var fy=a=>{for(let b=a.slice(0),i=0,l=b.length,j,t;i<l;i++){j=~~(Math.random()*(l-i))+i;t=b[i];b[i]=b[j];b[j]=t}return b}
Verbose - 413 characters
  1. var fisherYatesShuffle = function(arr){
  2. let tempArray = arr.slice(0);
  3. let length = tempArray.length;
  4. let randomIndex;
  5. let tempObject;
  6. for(let incrementor = 0; incrementor < length; incrementor += 1){
  7. randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (length - incrementor)) +incrementor;
  8. tempObject = tempArray[incrementor];
  9. tempArray[incrementor] = tempArray[randomIndex];
  10. tempArray[randomIndex] = tempObject;
  11. }
  12. return tempArray;
  13. }
  1. > fy([1,2,3,4,5,6]);
  2. < [2, 6, 1, 5, 4, 3]
Randomize Array using sort()

Description - Return a new array that has been shuffled into a random order using the Javascript sort() function. Provided by ZyklusDieWelt.

Condensed - 41 characters
  1. var as=a=>{a.slice(0).sort(()=>Math.random()-.5)
Verbose - 130 characters
  1. var arrayShuffleWithSort = function(arr){
  2. let tempArray = arr.slice(0);
  3. tempArray.sort(function() {
  4. return Math.random() - 0.5;
  5. });
  6. return tempArray;
  7. }
  1. > as([1,2,3,4,5,6]);
  2. < [2, 6, 1, 5, 4, 3]
Time Difference

Description - The first time this function is called it sets a timestamp onto a static variable. The second time it is called, it returns a time difference between the first timestamp and the current timestamp.

Condensed - 76 characters
  1. var td=()=>{if(!td.t)td.t=new Date();else{td.r=new Date()-td.t;td.t=0;return td.r}}
Verbose - 209 characters
  1. var timeDifference = function(){
  2. if(!timeDifference.time) {
  3. timeDifference.time = new Date();
  4. } else {
  5. timeDifference.result = new Date() - timeDifference.time;
  6. timeDifference.time = 0;
  7. return timeDifference.result;
  8. }
  9. }
  1. > td();
  2. < undefined
  3. > td();
  4. < 300
Node index in Parent

Description - Return the index of the current node inside its parent node.

Condensed - 44 characters
  1. var ni=n=>[], n)
Verbose - 167 characters
  1. var nodeIndex = function(node){
  2. let parentChildren = node.parentNode.children;
  3. for(let i = 0, l = parentChildren.length; i < l; i++) {
  4. if(parentChildren[i] == node) return i;
  5. }
  6. }
  1. > ni(document.querySelectorAll('dt')[2]);
  2. < 6

Description - Much like many templating libraries, there are two arguments. A template string must be provided, and an object representing all the data for the template. Use <%= data %> syntax to represent properties of the data object in the arguments. These property values will be inserted into the template.

Condensed - 88 characters
  1. var tm=(t,d)=>{for(let i in d){t=t.replace(RegExp('\\<%=\\s*'+i+'\\s*%>','g'),d[i]);}return t;}
Verbose - 286 characters
  1. var templater = function(template,data,notation=['\\<%=\\s*','\\s*%>']){
  2. if(!template || !data) return template||'';
  3. for(let key in data){
  4. if(data.hasOwnProperty(key) === false) continue;
  5. template = template.replace(RegExp(notation[0] + key + notation[1], 'g'), data[key]);
  6. }
  7. return template;
  8. }
  1. > tm('<%= amount %> apples',{amount:8});
  2. < "8 apples"
PHP Style Replace from Array

Description - PHP has the ability to use arrays as the arguments of preg_replace, while Javascript does not have this functionality by default for its .replace() function. The first argument should be an array of RegExp objects, the second argument should be an array of string replacements of the same size as the first array, and the third argument should be the replacement context string.

Condensed - 57 characters
  1. var ra=(r,s,c)=>{for(let i in r)c=c.replace(r[i],s[i]);return c}
Verbose - 198 characters
  1. var replaceFromArray = function(searchList,replaceList,context){
  2. for(let key = 0, length = searchList.length; key < length; key += 1) {
  3. context = context.replace(searchList[key],replaceList[key]);
  4. }
  5. return context;
  6. }
  1. > ra([/re/g,/apples/g],['dis','bananas'],'replace the apples');
  2. < "displace the bananas"